My First Ever Super Sized 'Haul'
I was obsessing over Color Club's 'Starry Temptress' collection and I just HAD to have it. I checked their website which stated that I could try Bed Bath & Beyond and a few local Duane Reade stores. I tried three local Bed Bath & Beyond stores, as well as the Duane Reade locations listed. I had no luck and decided to email Forsythe Cosmetics, which makes Color Club. They suggested I try I was trying to avoid purchasing them online. I hate waiting for them to come in the mail, and I also hate paying shipping charges. I was looking at polishes on when I went to check the shipping charges. I noticed the area code for the phone number on 8ty8 was the same as the county I live in. I immediately looked up their address and found that their store was only about 15-20 minutes from my house.
I found 8ty8 located in the back of a nail salon. As I walked into their warehouse I was estatic and overwhelmed with the amount of polish they had in stock. (I swear, I could hear angels singing lol) I spent a good 25 minutes in there before they closed for the evening. I've returned there to shop twice since my first trip, and I've found a ton of amazing polishes there.
Here is a photo of my first super-sized haul:
Does it get any better than this?
I purchase the entire Starry Temptress Collection from Color Club, two polishes from Essie's 2011 Resort Collection, and a ton of China Glaze (including two OMG and one Kaleidoscope polish)
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