Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Twinsie Tuesday - Fictional Animal Print Mani

Good Morning! The theme for this week really made me think long and hard. What kind of fictional animal could I possibly come up with? After having all of these crazy thoughts, I decided on a rainbow tiger. Sure, tigers aren't rainbow (or fictional)....but why not add a bit of color to their stripe pattern. What I pictured in my mind was much, much better than how my mani turned out. Errrr, these are my rainbow tiger stripes....

I don't love these in the least. If I showed this to someone on the streets and asked them what pattern it was I could bet $100 that nobody would say tiger LOL.  I'm sure my Twinsies did a way better job than I did....

Amanda at Amandalandish
Ashley at Art Evolve
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Elizabeth at Did My Nails
Jamie at Polish, Please!


  1. It's cute! I thought about doing rainbow zebra stripes. :)

  2. LOL you are too cute ;-) I love the colors you did for this!!

  3. So cute that you made up an animal!! So cute!

  4. These are so adorable!! The colours look so great together, and nuts to those people on the street--this is EXACTLY what rainbow tigers look like. ^_^

  5. This week was hard for me too. I had a hard time coming up with something. This is cute!

  6. Eeeee so cute!!! :D!!

  7. First of all, rainbow tigers are clearly imaginary! Second, who's to say that's not what the stripes on a rainbow tiger look like? It's adorable, now stop being so hard on yourself.

  8. You are too hard on yourself, this looks great! I love the idea of a rainbow tiger too--very Lisa Frank (which, as a child of the 90s, I absolutely love)!

  9. I think this is amazing! I love the lines, the colors, everything!
